Schönen guten Morgen,
meine Lederhose such
yeah gefunden, grins
dann hör ich das :top:…related&search=
Schönen guten Morgen,
meine Lederhose such
yeah gefunden, grins
dann hör ich das :top:…related&search=
Auch sehr schön...
schönen guten Morgen,
yeah das Lied ist heavy geil
Morchen, für alle die morgens lieber mit sanften Tönen geweckt werden wollen
Michael learns to rock - Blue night
für alle anderen
Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Blinded By The Light
guten Morgen @all
Nelly Furtado - Say it right
Midnight Oil - Beds are burning
super Musik und cooles Video =)…related&search=
mal was ruhiges zum Wachwerden *gähn*
einer der besten songs, von der besten österreichischen band. :top:
ja servus,
hör grad das
zur Entspannung und zur Vorfreude auf die NHL =)
Äh... als Vorfreude würde mir dieser Titel hier mehr taugen
Kann mich daran gerade echt nicht satt hören!!
Funeral for a friend - Into oblivion
Ich glaub, so manchmal bin ich doch ein Weichei...kann mich grad gar net satt hören an folgendem Titel:
Comfortable as I am
I need your reassurance
Comfortable as you are
You count the days
But if I wanted silence
I would whisper
And if I wanted lonelyness
I'd choose to go
And If I'd like rejection
I'd audition
And if I didn't love you
You would know
And why can't you just hold me?
And how come it is so hard?
And do you like to see me broken?
And why do I still care, still care?
You say you see the light down
At the end of the starrow hall
And I wish it didn't matter
I wish I didn't give you all
But if I wanted silence
I would whisper
And if I wanted lonelyness
I'd choose to go
And If I'd like rejection
I'd audition
And if I didn't love you
You would know
And why can't you just hold me?
And how come it is so hard?
And do you like to see me broken?
And why do I still care?
Poor little missunderstood, baby
No one likes the sad face
But I can remember life without him
I think I did have good days
I think I did have good days
And why
Why can't you just hold me?
And how come it is so hard?
And do you like to see me broken?
And why do I still care?
Mit Video gibts das ganze hier:…related&search= *seuuuuuuufz*
Social Distortion - Cold Feelings (von der LP "Somewhere between Heaven and Hell" erschienen 1992 auf Epic Records)
Hallöchen =)
hör grad
Bon Jovi :top:…related&search=
Sodala.. mal was gscheits zum rocken!
und einen Odie hinterher